Royal Fruit and Gourmet Basket
- ID gift basket: 3-13
- Price: US$95
- Datails: We pack a large wicker basket with only the finest fresh seasonal fruits and gourmet specialtites for a truly royal treat.Hand delivery ensures this basket will arrive at its peak of flavor.
Fruit may include crisp apples, bananas, sweet oranges, juicy pears, plump
grapes, nectarines, pineapple,
kiwi and more as available. The gourmet items may include cookies, crackers, cheeses, and chocolates.
- Attachments: We can add flowers...
or even digital camera, DVD player ... to your order. Please, send us
an inquiry via e-mail to deliver requested product(s) with your order.
Our administrator will contact you shortly with payment details for your
order processing.